For over a decade the professionals at Artcore have consistently surpassed expectations for the transport, care and installation some of the largest, most complex and most precious art and high value goods in the world. Where we differ from other companies, however, is in our perspective, and our approach.
Not Outspend.
There’s an old idiom that says there’s no point in using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Sure, a sledgehammer will get the job done, but the consequences of using too much of anything when less will do often far outweighs the value and intended outcome of the initial task.

Here at Artcore, thinking through the problem is always the first order of business. It is our philosophy that using fewer resources, and having less of an impact on the installation space, is not only preferable, but also typically less expensive than solving problems through the application of excessive resources.
Because every exigency is accounted for before the first piece is crated, we are able to remain incredibly lean yet fully able throughout the entire process. The result? Peace of mind and – in most cases – substantially increased affordability for our clients.
Public Good,
Perfectly Placed.

The packing, transport, rigging and installation of large public artworks presents a different set of challenges than those encountered in museum, gallery and private collection work. Typically displayed in highly visible, high-traffic locations, these jobs demand a meticulous level of planning and logistical expertise in order to ensure that they are delivered and installed safely and with the utmost efficiency.
With our reputation for envisioning uniquely effective solutions, coupled with our unmatched custom transport fleet and remarkable adaptability, Artcore has become the Fine Art Services provider of choice for many public institutions and municipalities.
Not Limited to the Center of the Universe.
While based in the New York/Metro area, we are not only willing and able, but truly eager to go wherever an interesting challenge might take us. We have transported and installed artwork and high value goods from Los Angeles to Maine, Seattle to Miami and everywhere in-between and always look forward to our next opportunity. Wherever our problem-solving expertise is needed, we’ll be there.

Uniquely Capable.
While we are well-known for coming up with creative solutions to problems that have stumped others, it’s not enough to simply have the vision; it’s equally important to have a means of executing that vision in ways others simply cannot. Not satisfied with the limitations of off-the-shelf solutions, at Artcore we have taken the time to design our own proprietary fleet of vehicles, specifically created to meet the unique demands of Fine Art and HVG transportation.
With our continual focus on protecting and transporting Fine Art and High Value Goods as safely and with as little undue impact as possible, our vehicles can transport massive and delicate objects often without deconstructing them or, in many cases, even laying them on their sides.

Our Trucks?
Bigger On The Inside.
Our Trucks?
Bigger On The Inside.
Our fleet is the only one of its kind in the world, has been described as being ‘bigger on the inside,’ and yet is fully compliant with all legal transportation standards. When unique vision meets unique capability it is indeed possible to move the impossible.

And Always Professional.
Our small working footprint coupled with our extensive capabilities has proven especially appealing to those who value discretion and the efficient application of expertise. We are often contracted by private parties for the transport and installation of fine artworks.
Trusted by the most discerning clients, we take care to thoroughly assess each situation well in advance in order to determine the most efficient and least invasive manner by which to install these often large and complex artworks. As always, we are mindful of our clients’ privacy and do our best to remain as invisible as possible, yet fully responsive to their needs throughout the process.

High Profile.
Low Visibility.
There’s a good reason we’re routinely called upon to work with some of the best known artists, museums and galleries in the world: because we make it easy for our clients in every way possible. We prefer to keep the spotlight where it belongs – on the work – and always do our best to remain affordable, efficient and flexible while providing a secure environment and uniquely effective solutions throughout the entire process.